Release notes


Previously, we introduced file tagging on the visual interface to facilitate finding and organizing your data. We’ve now added support for interacting with tags via the API. Use the API to tag a set of files based on a cohort of patients, a molecular characteristic, or other attributes that you want to remember. You can edit and view these tags at any point in time. You can also filter files by their tags--much easier than paging through all the data you have in a project. Learn more about this feature from our documentation on the Knowledge Center.


We've improved our developer documentation to include instructions on how to create and use Dockerfiles, which enables users to efficiently build images containing the tools they want to wrap for use on the CGC. Check out our improved documentation and tutorial on our Knowledge Center.


We’re launching the next ICGC-TCGA DREAM Somatic Mutation Calling - RNA Challenge (SMC-RNA) on the Cancer Genomics Cloud. The SMC-RNA DREAM Challenge is the latest in a series which develop crowdsourced methods to answer specific scientific questions. This challenge seeks to generate more accurate methods for quantifying known isoforms and detecting gene fusions from RNA-Sequencing data. In this challenge, researchers are asked to package their algorithms in Docker containers and describe how to run them with the Common Workflow Language.

We’ve made the curated training data, truth sets, and example Common Workflow Language applications available on the Cancer Genomics Cloud as a public project. Researchers can clone this project to work with the data, iterate on the example workflows, or use the SDK to develop their own tools and workflows for RNA-Seq analysis on the CGC.

We’ll be having a series of webinars demonstrating how to participate in the SMC-RNA DREAM Challenge via the CGC. Internal questions regarding the DREAM Challenge can be sent directly to Learn more about our participation in the SMC-RNA challenge.

Divya Sain